Prepare the largest pie shell and top lid which your pastry pans and oven will accommodate.
A "spring mould pan" or one allowing easy removal of the pie crust is best.
Butter for greasing baking pan
2 or more cups of dried beans
Live tethered birds, frogs, turtles, or wind up animals
2 egg yolks
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- Preheat oven to 220 c
- Very lightly grease the large pie pan, then dust with flour
- Reserving sufficient dough for a top crust, press in a reasonable thick bottom pie crust
- Fill the pie shell with dried beans, or other reusable filler, to weigh down the crust as it bakes to avoid bubbling. Apply and carefully seal the upper crust to the lower
- Glaze with egg yolk mixed with cinnamon
- Bake 40 minutes at 220c or until golden brown
- When cool, carefully gain access to the bottom crust and cut a large hole 0 10-15cm in diameter - through which remove all bean filler, reserving the piece of cut crust.
- Into the well-cooked shell, insert the live or wind up animals immediately before serving. If possible, replace the pastry cut so as to "close the hole".
- Scrupulously carefully, cut around the circumference of the crust at time of serving, about 1/4 way around the pie. Equally gently, cut toward the centre, taking extreme care not to touch the animals. Lift out upper crust portion.
- The birds or frogs will happily "liberate" themselves on the table in order to amaze and amuse the festers.
- This pie makes a dramatic finale to a formal feast.